Sunday, October 2, 2011

weekend work.

This weekend Mike's cancer 'therapy' was to tear up a section of the kitchen floor that needs to be replaced. He salvaged the wood floor from the upstairs bathroom for this very purpose. Jens Anderson will replace the wood and rough sand the floor later this week. Mike has to be careful to monitor how much he works at the house. The radiation treatments are taking a toll on his energy and ability to eat, but I know it makes him very happy to be able to tackle little projects around the house when he feels up to it.

The other weekend job was cleaning out and organizing the garage, and Mallory Jane came home for the weekend to help. The painters need some garage space for their supplies - and these two got the job done! Mike concocted this unique "paint tray" to hold the remains of all the old partial paint cans in the garage. This "paint art" is our safe way to dispose of the old stuff after it has hardened on the tray. No, we did not go to an art museum over the weekend, and no, we will not be hanging this over the mantle. The correct answer is: Safe Paint Disposal.

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