Sunday, October 2, 2011

new colors are going up!

For the past several months I have been pondering the exterior colors for our grand home. This is a big deal for me because colors are important to me. My college training included color theory classes. My recurring nightmare: That I am called away on a trip when the house is being painted and when I get home I discover that the color is not right. I cannot live with that so I have to spend thousands of dollars to have it re-done. Really.

I am elated to tell you that the colors I selected are up on one side of the house AND I LOVE THEM. I started with the garage so I could see the four colors together on a less grand scale. I did change my mind once - back to the first color I picked out from the git-go. From the color chart photo you can see that I tried some lighter shades (bottom) but the contrast was too subtle.

Since they wait to put the fancy new mudroom entrance door in place I included a pic of the side garage door so you can see the blue accent "kick color" in play. The blue will be reserved for the doors around the house including the cave door basement entrance. Love how the dark sage color works on the fascia boards (next to the roof line.) Love how the colors work with the red roof. Love how the colors feel a little Swedish to me.

Larry Shelly's Two Guys Painting crew is doing an amazing job. The amount of scraping, caulking and prepping required to restore this grand house is mind numbing to me. I love their work and attention to detail. I could stand in the yard and stare at their beautiful work and and the way the light plays with the colors for hours. The photos really don't capture it... wish you could drive by.

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